Live chat for Volusion opens up another means of communication with customers, giving them instant answers to any questions they might have. Drive more e-commerce sales with live chat and provide a personalized experience to shoppers.
Follow the steps below to get live chat running on your Volusion website in just a few clicks.
Add live chat to Volusion![Link icon]()
- Go into your Volusion dashboard. From there, navigate to the App Store.
- There, select Live Chat from the list of available apps.
- Click Install. On the next screen, click Confirm install to finish enabling the app.
- Navigate to the list of installed apps. Then, select Live Chat .
- If you don’t have a LiveChat account click the Sign up for free link. Otherwise, log into the LiveChat web application using the Sign in with LiveChat button.
That’s it! You are now set up, and ready to go.
Want to learn more about LiveChat? Click here to read our official tutorial for beginners! Also, in case of any questions, feel free to start a chat with us - our Support Heroes are available 24/7/365!