Average Order Value (AOV): Definition, Formula, and Six Ways to Grow It

Ecommerce doesn’t have to be hard. Having an online store can cost you virtually nothing and put you in touch with customers worldwide. While you still need a strong marketing strategy and a great product to sell, there is much less to lose when you opt for a digital store over a... read more
Imagine you're in a meeting, and a vendor presents a software solution. It's good, meets your needs — but then they showcase a version that's not just good but stellar. It has features you didn't know you needed but now can't imagine living without. That's upselling. But... read more
LiveChat is a complete customer service platform that delights your customers and fuels your sales
Setting up your customer service strategy is worth learning from the best-in-class. It means it's good to sometimes sneak a peek at the best practices of big brands and implement them within your organization. To make your life easier, we’ve looked into Shopify customer service... read more
In 2024, companies must look for ways to improve the customer experience. Having an official website is the bare minimum in the digital age. Whether selling products or promoting a service, you have to offer customers a convenient ecommerce platform to connect with your... read more
This holiday season, provide an exquisite experience that every customer dreams about. 2022 is the year US consumers are feeling bright and cheery. Nearly 40 percent of survey respondents say they intend to splurge on themselves or for others. This intention to spend extra... read more
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The 2020 holiday shopping season had very little in common with previous holiday shopping seasons. COVID-19 has turned our lives upside down, and the shopping experience has been no exception. While online holiday shopping has been steadily on the rise for years, it reached new... read more
For some, the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences haven’t turned out all that bad. How so? Take a look at shopping. Sure, the way we buy stuff has been transforming over the past decade or so, with more and more people shifting towards online purchases. Ecommerce has been... read more
Going the extra mile for customers. A mysterious and intangible element of customer service. You’ve heard us talking about it a lot, be it our ultimate customer service guide or any article meaning to improve your customer experience. Do we follow our own advice? What does going... read more
The holiday season is going to be different this year. Big players, like Walmart and Target, decided to close on Thanksgiving so they don’t give customers a reason to gather in crowds. Also, many customers are now buying different goods than they normally do, and they’re making... read more
People are changing their shopping habits. These changes were trending before 2020, but, with the multitude of challenges retailers have faced this year, many of those changes will surely become permanent. Since early 2020, consumers are making more purchases online, making... read more
So, you’ve had a gorgeous ecommerce website designed. The landing page is relevant and clean, with eye-catching call-to-actions and compelling SEO optimized content. Your checkout page and shopping cart are simple and intuitive. On top of all that, the widgets you’re selling are... read more
Picture this – you are heading a brick and mortar store and watching customers lined up at the cash counter makes for a delightful sight until they abruptly change their minds and leave without making a purchase. Ouch. Now, that’s a ‘so close, yet so far’ kind of a situation.... read more
Running a successful online business is never an easy task. Whether a business will succeed or not depends on numerous factors, some of which aren’t even in your control. Luckily, this means that there are factors that you can control and it means that choosing the best... read more
I like to dig out marketing insights like a gold miner digs for gold. Uncovering a new marketing insight is like discovering a gold nugget that has the potential to increase ecommerce conversion rate. Conversion is where the money is. Recently, as I was digging through data for a... read more